UGM Physics Department Holds Academic Writing & Career Bootcamp for Graduate Students in Physics

On Friday, 30 August 2024, the Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held an Academic Writing & Career Bootcamp for Master’s and Doctoral students in Physics. The event occurred at the Grand Rohan Hotel in Yogyakarta from 08:00 to 16:00 WIB.

The event featured two main speakers:

  1. Dr. rer. nat. Herlan Darmawan, M.Sc, who presented on Academic Writing. This session aimed to assist students in composing high-quality scientific papers for national and international publication.
  2. Dr. Widiastuti Setyaningsih, S.T.P., M.Sc., discussed Academic Careers and guided students in planning and developing their academic careers after completing their postgraduate studies.

Students interested in attending the event were required to create a research poster in PDF format as part of their registration requirements. Those with a draft paper could bring it along and consult on their work during the event.

The boot camp proceeded smoothly, and the participating students were enthusiastic throughout the activities. In addition to receiving materials from the speakers, they were allowed to present their research findings briefly. Each participant was allotted 3 to 5 minutes to present the posters or research drafts they had prepared.

After all presentations were completed, the committee selected the best based on criteria of innovation, clarity of delivery, and potential scientific contribution. As a form of appreciation for their efforts and achievements, attractive prizes were provided for students with the most outstanding presentations.

Prof. Sholihun, the Head of the Doctoral Program in Physics at UGM, stated, “With this boot camp, we hope that postgraduate students in Physics at UGM can enhance their skills in writing scientific papers and prepare for their academic careers in the future. If this event benefits students, we will consider holding such events regularly.”

The boot camp provided participants with a learning opportunity to exchange ideas and enrich their academic experiences. This event supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the following area: SDG 4: Quality Education – The boot camp directly contributes to improving higher education quality, especially in preparing postgraduate students to produce high-quality, internationally recognized scientific works. This aligns with the target of SDG 4, which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all while promoting lifelong learning opportunities.

Author : Ahmad Fathan

Photo : Ahmad Fathan

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