The Doctoral Program (S3) of Physics consists of lectures, interest briefings and study load planning. The schedule is discussed by the supervisory team and the S3 students concerned at the beginning of the program. The implementation system of education implementation has been designed in such a way as to allow for completion at a set time. Students are required to present their research results at the study program level at least once a semester.
Basically, the Doctoral Program (S3) of Physics at UGM consists of
- Basic Ability Education
- Specificity Education / Interest
- Research
Basic Ability Education and Specificity Education / Interest is realized in the form of
- Lecture
- academic interaction
- academic interest search
- self-study
- laboratory work
The research concluded with the writing of dissertations and final examinations (promotion).
In accordance with gadjah mada university regulation No.:70/P/SK/Set.R/2002 concerning Doctoral Program at UGM, the burden and study period are regulated with the following conditions:
- For participants who have been educated S2 Physics at least take 40 credits consisting of at least 8 sks courses and 32 sks dissertation, with a maximum study period of 10 semesters
- For participants who have been educated S2 outside the field of Physics at least take 52 credits consisting of at least 20 sks courses and 32 credits dissertation, with a maximum study period of 11 semesters
- For participants who have been educated S1 in Physics at least 76 credits consisting of at least 44 sks courses and 32 sks dissertation, with a maximum study period of 12 semesters
- For participants who have been educated S1 outside the field of Physics at least 88 credits consisting of at least 56 sks courses and 32 credits dissertation, with a maximum study period of 13 semesters
Physics S3 Program students must take a minimum of 8 credits of physics S3 program courses determined by the S3 Program Manager based on evaluation during the acceptance meeting of prospective S3 students. The name of the course and the lecturer who mastered the course will be given to each student at the beginning of registration as a new student of physics S3 Program FMIPA UGM. Course taking per semester maximum of 12 CREDITS in accordance with the field of interest in research and approval of the main supervisor or Manager of Physics S3 Program
Evaluation of participants' academic ability is carried out through examinations, seminars, assignments, papers, preparation of research proposals, and comprehensive examinations. In general, the evaluation system includes:
- Basic course exams and interests
- Comprehensive examination of the feasibility of research proposals
- Evaluation on research of dissertation candidates
Comprehensive Examinations can be conducted after the student
- pass all required courses in accordance with the requirements in section K.2 above
- have been declared ready with the proposed research dissertation
- have the ability to speak English equivalent to a minimum TOEFL Score of 450
Comprehensive examinations include: mastery of research methodology, mastery of materials in physics, reasoning ability and systematization ability, and formulation of the results of his thinking. After the student has passed the comprehensive exam, the student is declared as a doctoral candidate. Research for dissertations is carried out after passing the comprehensive exam and has completed the tasks given by the testing team on the comprehensive exam. The dissertation manuscript was prepared on the basis of research results under the guidance of the Advisory Team. The dissertation text that has been approved by the Advisory Team is assessed by the Assessment Team. The final evaluation of the candidate's dissertation is carried out on the final examination (promotion).
The final examination (promotion) can be done if the student already has english proficiency equivalent to a minimum TOEFL Score of 500.
1 | Tabel Daftar Program Studi di Unit Pengelola Program Studi | - |
Identitas Program Studi Sarjana (S1) Fisika - FMIPA UGM
Program Studi | Program Studi Sarjana (S1) Fisika |
Departemen | Fisika |
Fakultas - Perguruan Tinggi | Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) - Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) |
Nomor dan Tanggal SK Pendirian | 22/DIKTI/Kep/1985 , 1 Mei 1985 |
Bulan & Tahun Dimulainya | 1 September 1956 sebagai jurusan Fisika atau 1 Mei 1985 sebagai program studi Fisika |
Peringkat (Nilai) Akreditasi Terakhir | Unggul |
Nomor SK BAN-PT | 1226/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IV/2019 |
Alamat | Departemen Fisika FMIPA UGM Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur BLS 21, Yogyakarta 55281 |
No. Telp. & Fax. | (0274) 545 185 |
Homepage dan E-mail | |
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi Sarjana (S1) Fisika
Aspek | Kode | Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) |
Sikap | CPL1 | Beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, menerapkan moral, etika, inisiatif, dan tanggung jawab yang baik di dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya. |
Pengetahuan | CPL2 | Mampu menjelaskan konsep-konsep teoritis dan prinsip-prinsip fisika klasik dan modern, serta mampu mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep dasar fisika dan metode matematika terkait dalam mencari solusi suatu permasalahan fisis. |
Keterampilan Umum | CPL3 | Mampu mengkomunikasikan hasil kajian masalah dan perilaku fisis baik secara tulisan maupun lisan, serta mampu memimpin dan berkolaborasi di berbagai level peran dalam sebuah tim. |
Keterampilan Khusus | CPL4 | Mampu merancang dan melaksanakan percobaan/tinjauan teoretis, mampu mengidentifikasi suatu permasalahan fisis berdasarkan hasil observasi dan eksperimen, serta mampu mengoperasikan teknologi terkait. |
Pengembangan Diri / Long Life Learning | CPL5 | Mampu menganalisis berbagai solusi alternatif yang ada terhadap permasalahan fisis dan menyimpulkannya untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat, baik dalam masalah yang familiar maupun baru. |
Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) - Bachelor of Physics
Aspect | Code | Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) |
Attitude | PLO1 | Have faith and fear of God Almighty, apply good morals, ethics, initiative, and responsibility in completing their duties. |
Knowledge | PLO2 | Able to explain theoretical concepts and principles of classical and modern physics, and be able to apply the basic concepts of physics and related mathematical methods in finding a solution to a physical problem. |
General Skills | PLO3 | Able to communicate the results of research on problems and physical behavior both in writing and verbally, as well as being able to lead and collaborate at various levels of roles in a team. |
Special Skills | PLO4 | Able to design and carry out experiments/theoretical reviews, able to identify a physical problem based on the results of observations and experiments, and able to operate related technology. |
Long Life Learning | PLO5 | Able to analyze various existing alternative solutions to physical problems and conclude them for making the right decisions, both in familiar and new problems. |