Rebon Seminar on 5 June, 2024 : Physics Beyond the Nanoworld

Hi Phyvers,

Next week’s Rebon Seminar, we will discuss a very interesting topic about the world of nanophysics, namely:

The Physics Behind the Nanoworld

‘Nanoworld is interesting because of its excellent sensitivity in different chemical physics behaviours of about 100 to 1000 atoms of nanostructures embedded as nanochips to sustain energy effective devices and instruments for daily human life. The 21st century has been rapidly evolving with a harvest of nanotechnology impacts involving all aspects of human activities. In this talk, I will explain the effects of background confinement in various nanochips including superhybrid materials. The possibility of going down beyond the nanoscale will also be discussed. Finally, the journey of physics beyond the nano-world will be briefly presented with its various impacts on world society.’

The seminar will be held in full honour
Zoom Link

Don’t miss it!

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