Department of Physics UGM Hosts Workshop on Field Assessment in Preparation for ASIIN Accreditation

Department of Physics took a proactive step towards enhancing its academic standards by organizing a comprehensive workshop focused on field assessment, a crucial aspect in the ASIIN accreditation process. The event on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 attended by lecturers and students, aimed to strengthen the University’s assessment practices and ensure alignment with accreditation requirements. This workshop aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a global framework for achieving sustainable development, especially number 4 related to Quality Education.

Photos of Lecturers and Students participating in ASIIN preparation workshop

The field assessment for ASIIN accreditation will be held for 4 days, 4 – 7 March 2024. As the department prepares for upcoming accreditation evaluations, the insights gained from the workshop will improve ongoing efforts to refine assessment practices and demonstrate compliance with accreditation standards.

With accreditation serving as a hallmark of academic excellence, the workshop underscored the university’s commitment to continuous improvement and adherence to rigorous standards. Participants engaged in insightful discussions and practical exercises, exploring strategies for effectively assessing student learning outcomes, program effectiveness, and institutional performance.

Prof. Roto, M.Eng, Ph.D., Dean of Academic Affairs at ASIIN preparation workshop

Prof. Dr. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., Dean of Academic Affairs, emphasized the importance of robust assessment practices in the accreditation journey, stating, “Accreditation is not merely a stamp of approval; it is a testament to our dedication to educational quality and accountability. Field assessment plays a pivotal role in providing evidence of our commitment to student success and academic excellence.”

The success of the workshop underscores proactive approach of Department of Physics to accreditation readiness and its unwavering commitment providing a transformative educational experience for students. With field assessment, as a cornerstone of its accreditation strategy, Department of Physics creates partnerships and collaborations in line with the spirit of SDGs goal number 17.

Author : Elida L. Istiqomah

Photo : Ahmad Fathan

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Keywords : accreditation, quality education, assessment