KBK Material Physics and Instrumentation UGM Holds Community Service at SMAN 2 Bantul: Exploration of New Paradigm in Physics Learning

Bantul, June 5, 2024 – KBK Material Physics and Instrumentation from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a community service activity at SMA N 2 Bantul with the theme “Exploration of the New Paradigm in Physics Learning”. The event which took place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 received a warm welcome from the headmaster, Isti Fatimah, M.Pd. She hopes that this activity can motivate students of SMA N 2 Bantul to continue their education to a higher level.

This activity was attended by 11th grade science classes consisting of 4 classes with a total of 144 participants. The event took place lively in Soedirman Hall SMA N 2 Bantul from 08.00 to 11.00. The activity began with remarks from the headmaster and the Head of Physics Department UGM, followed by the giving of souvenirs and a group photo session.

The first section of the event presented inspirational stories from SMA N 2 Bantul alumni who are now excelling in the UGM Physics Study Program. Aldi Nur Hidayat (Physics Class of 2019), Anggi Rahmawati (Physics Class of 2020), and Muhammad Arifin, Ph.D (now a Lecturer at Physics UGM), shared their experiences and challenges in pursuing higher education.

In the next session, Dr.Eng Ahmad Kusumaatmaja introduced the students with the profile of UGM Physics Study Program and explained various career opportunities for Physics graduates in industry, research, and academia. This presentation provided a clear overview of the future and the potential that can be achieved through physics education, thus motivating students to keep pursuing their dreams.

The experts in physics from UGM then presented the recent developments in physics research. Prof. Harsojo discussed research on semiconductors, while Prof. Dr. Yusril Yusuf explored the use of natural materials as biomaterials. Dr. Iman Santoso discussed the development of physics and technology, followed by Moh. Adhib Ulil Absor, Ph.D, who introduced computational materials research.

The enthusiasm of the participants was evident when they were given the opportunity to ask questions. Questions about study programs, how to register, and how physics can be more interesting reflected the deep interest of the students.

The next session was filled by Dr. Chotimah, Dr. Sc. Ari Dwi Nugraheni, Muhamad Darwis Umar, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Dr. Juliasih Partini, S.Si., M.Si, and Rizky Aflaha (physics doctoral student class of 2022). They spoke about the motivation of learning science as well as the application of physics in daily life, providing inspiration and practical insights to the students.

The event concluded with a demonstration of devices at various exhibition stands that attracted student interest. The stands featured Arduino with proximity sensor, GeNose, Electrospinning, and products from Fumalife. Information about the Group of Expertise (KBK) at the Department of Physics UGM was also presented, enriching students’ knowledge about various fields of physics research and applications.

This event not only enhances knowledge in physics, but also supports several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through quality education (SDG 4), innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), good health and well-being (SDG 3), and partnerships to achieve goals (SDG 17), this event makes a tangible contribution in building a better future.

With collaboration and innovation, this event is expected to provide new insights for students of SMA N 2 Bantul about the world of physics and motivate them to continue learning and pursuing higher education.

Author: Dina Wardiningsih

Photos: Media Team Fismatel

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