Workshop on Enhancing and Strengthening Research Collaboration Between the Applied Physics and Theoretical-Computational Physics Research Groups (KBK)

Lecturers from the Applied Physics and Theoretical-Computational Physics Research Groups (KBK) of the Physics Department, FMIPA UGM, organized a workshop aimed at strengthening research collaboration between the two KBKs on October 11-12, 2024, at the Lorin Solo Hotel. This activity aimed to optimize research synergy among the lecturers within the Physics Department, especially between the Applied Physics and Theoretical-Computational Physics Research Groups.

The two-day workshop provided a platform for lecturers to exchange information about their research findings, the challenges they encountered, and potential collaboration opportunities between KBKs. This initiative seeks to enhance communication among lecturers, which has frequently been constrained by their various academic responsibilities. 

According to Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, Head of the Applied Physics KBK, “This workshop is a very positive activity. Through this event, we can learn about the scientific activities or research that our colleagues have conducted, are conducting, and plan to conduct. This will open up collaboration opportunities among us. Of course, this will not only increase the chances of enhancing scientific activities but also strengthen the camaraderie among members of the Physics Department. So I hope this activity can be expanded to the department and faculty levels.”

Dr. Dwi Satya Palupi, Head of the Theoretical-Computational Physics KBK, further emphasized, “I hope this workshop on enhancing and strengthening research collaboration among lecturers from the Applied Physics KBK and the Theoretical-Computational Physics KBK will further improve the quality of the research climate in the Physics Department, thereby increasing the quantity and quality of research that benefits society in the future.”

This workshop is the third in the series. The first collaboration workshop between the two KBKs was held in October 2023 in Salatiga, followed by the second workshop in Magelang in July 2024. In the future, similar activities are planned to be held regularly to ensure stronger research collaboration between lecturers, both within and across KBKs. It is even hoped that all lecturers in the Physics Department from all KBKs will be involved. There was also a suggestion to involve students so that they can experience the warm scientific discussions among the lecturers.

Besides strengthening communication, this workshop is also part of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 4, which is related to quality education, and point 9, which focuses on innovation and infrastructure, through strengthening collaborative research in the field of physics.

Contributor: Chalis Setyadi
Photo: Tim Lab Fisika Atom dan Inti

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