Innovative Collaboration: BAPETEN and UGM Physics Department Discuss Decommissioning of Non-Reactor Nuclear Installations

Yogyakarta, August 1, 2024 – The Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) received a technical visit from the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN). The visit aimed to discuss and review the technical procedures for the decommissioning of Non-Reactor Nuclear Installations (INNR) in Indonesia, as part of BAPETEN’s 2024 joint review activities.

The BAPETEN team was warmly welcomed by the Head of the Physics Department at FMIPA UGM, along with faculty members. This event is part of BAPETEN’s efforts to enhance collaboration among stakeholders, including universities, to strengthen nuclear energy regulation in Indonesia.

The Physics Department at FMIPA UGM was chosen for this collaboration because of its valuable experience in decommissioning the Phosphate Acid Purification Facility at PT. Petrokimia Gresik. This experience serves as the only reference for INNR decommissioning in Indonesia, providing significant insights for BAPETEN as the nuclear energy regulator in the country.

The agenda for the visit began with opening remarks from the Head of the Physics Department and the head of the BAPETEN team, followed by a presentation on the main tasks and functions of the Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Licensing Function Group at BAPETEN. There was also an in-depth discussion on decommissioning experiences, led by Dr. Chotimah, M.Sc.

This visit is expected to facilitate the exchange of valuable knowledge and experience, and to strengthen cooperation between BAPETEN and the Physics Department at FMIPA UGM for the advancement of nuclear supervision and technology in Indonesia.

Through this exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as the development of a more applicable curriculum, this visit supports the improvement of higher education quality in physics and nuclear technology (SDG 4). The discussions and collaboration on non-reactor nuclear installation decommissioning can contribute to the development of safer and more sustainable nuclear energy (SDG 7). The synergy between BAPETEN and UGM can drive innovation in decommissioning procedures and strengthen nuclear regulatory infrastructure in Indonesia (SDG 9). This cooperation is a concrete example of a partnership involving the government and educational institutions in achieving the common goal of safe and sustainable nuclear technology oversight and use (SDG 17). Therefore, this activity not only benefits the involved institutions but also contributes to the achievement of broader global targets.

Author: Dina Wardiningsih, Rafida Salma Rahmawati

Photos: Ahmad Fathan

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