Yogyakarta, July 22nd, 2024 – Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) together with Physics Graduate Student Association (HMPF) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a scientific writing seminar with the theme of “From research to publication: enhancing scientific writing skills for global recognition“. It took place in the auditorium room A106 FMIPA UGM on July 22nd, 2024. This event is open to the public by presenting a speaker from the University of Birmingham, Dr. Ruchi Gupta who has a track record of excellent publications. This seminar aims to increase the enthusiasm of the academic community not to be afraid to try and increase the enthusiasm to write in reputable international journals.

The event began with remarks from Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D. as the Vice Dean for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs as well as opening this seminar. Prof. Roto also said that scientific writing is an interesting thing to discuss for the academic community and also hopes that the presentation of the material can be useful in the future. Not to forget, considering the speaker came from abroad, this seminar was held in English.

The event lasted for approximately three hours and was hosted by Eldiana Rully Arsetiyani, S.Si. as the MC and moderator of this event. Dr. Ruchi Gupta presented the seminar in the form of discussions with participants, where 30% was done by delivering material and 70% was done by the participants answering questions given by Dr. Gupta. Participants were also indirectly asked to be active in the event which made the seminar seem more lively and full of discussions between participants and Dr. Gupta.

When it comes to the content, Dr. Gupta’s presentation contained quite diverse material on the topic of scientific writing. “Research to Publication is a long procedure with lots of details to guarantee the rewards“, so it is not a problem if we take a long time to publish our research results. Dr. Gupta also explained the importance of the role of logic in writing with the IMRaD format (Introduction, Methodology, Result, and Discussion/Conclusion). In addition, Dr. Gupta also explained the procedure for writing abstracts in the order of Why? What? How? So What? To emphasize the importance of our research in the eyes of other researchers. But again, the purpose of all this is to improve our writing skills, especially for writing final assignments and articles.

The event ended with a group photo with Dr. Ruchi Gupta who has given her knowledge focused on the logic and procedures of writing in internationally reputable articles. This event was held with the aim of training the academic community for all levels not to be afraid to try writing in reputable articles. The participants were also given the message to keep trying and writing, because only then our ability to write will continue to increase. This activity also reflects that learning is not only done in writing in the classroom. There are some lessons that can only be obtained from experience, whether it is experienced by ourselves or the experiences of others who are told to us. In closing, remember not to be afraid to try, because a million steps always start from one small step.

Author: Vincent Milano
Documentation: Ihsan Nurijal and Rachmadyanto