Encouraging Academic Enthusiasm: UGM Physics Department Conducts Study Program Socialization at SMAN 2 Bantul

The UGM Physics Department held a socialization event for its study programs at SMAN 2 Bantul. This activity was a response to a request from the school and was part of the Academic Guidance program organized for 11th and 12th-grade students to prepare them for the 2024/2025 academic year.

The socialization was conducted in two sessions: from 7:15 AM to 8:45 AM for 11th-grade students and from 8:45 AM to 10:15 AM for 12th-grade students. The socialization team from the Physics Department included Prof. Dr. Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng (Head of the Physics Department), Dr.rer.nat. Herlan Darmawan, M.Sc (Secretary of the Geophysics Undergraduate Program), Dr. Juliasih Partini, S.Si., M.Si. (Secretary of the Physics Undergraduate Program), and Muhammad Arifin, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Head of the Physics Materials and Instrumentation Research Group). Prof. Dr. Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng., and Muhammad Arifin, M.Sc., Ph.D. gave presentations on the curriculum, laboratory facilities, research opportunities, research products, and career prospects for graduates of the Physics and Geophysics study programs.

Representative of the Geophysics study program, Dr.rer.nat. Herlan Darmawan, M.Sc., explained various aspects of geophysics, including admission selection, quotas, work fields, and successful alumni. Dr. Juliasih Partini, S.Si., M.Si., representing the Physics study program, also presented information about the physics program, including the dual degree opportunity with Lunghwa University of Science and Technology (Taiwan). She mentioned that UGM Physics alumni have careers in many fields, ranging from academia and research to industry and entrepreneurship.

The students showed great enthusiasm by asking many questions about the admission process and job opportunities after graduating from UGM’s Physics and Geophysics programs.

What are the career prospects for geophysics graduates, and what do you study when you become a geophysics student?” asked Amel, a 12th-grade science student.

It is hoped that activities like this will encourage more students to pursue higher education at UGM and choose study programs that match their interests and talents.

I hope many of you here can enter UGM, especially in the Physics or Geophysics undergraduate programs,” said Prof. Edi Suharyadi.

The aim is for SMAN 2 Bantul students to be more motivated to achieve their dreams and to be well-prepared for continuing their education at the university level.

Through this socialization activity, the UGM Physics Department not only supports students’ academic development but also contributes to achieving various SDG targets, especially those related to Quality Education (SDG 4), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17).

Authors: Dina Wardiningsih, Rafida Salma Rahmawati

Photos: Rafida Salma Rahmawati, Dina Wardiningsih

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