Graduation Period II UGM February 2024 : Department of Physics Graduated 24 Students to Hold Bachelor Degree

A total of 24 students of Physics and Geophysics study programs of the Department of Physics attended the UGM graduation procession period 2 on February 21, 2024 held at Grha Sabha Pramana. This moment is one of the most awaited because it marks the completion of the undergraduate study period at the Department of Physics UGM.

Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K), Ph.D. as Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada in her speech said “Congratulations to the graduates and graduates who have graduated today and officially become part of the UGM alumni family (KAGAMA), continue to be a lifelong learner, improve your abilities and capacities wherever you are, while maintaining a good name and love for the alma mater, because that is where the big UGM family is. I also pray that the UGM graduates who graduated today will become adaptive, noble, culturally advanced, competitive individuals to face the challenges of future civilization development.”

Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K), Ph.D. as Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada giving a speech (Screenshot via live youtube)

Although it is known to be difficult, in terms of achievement index, students of Physics and Geophysics study programs are not inferior to other study programs. In this graduation period as many as 10 students received the title of praise / cum laude, 12 students received very satisfying predicates and 2 students received satisfying predicates. The highest cumulative grade point average (GPA) in the Physics Department this period was achieved by Alvin Surya Putra (Physics) with a GPA of 3.84 and Dedek Wahyu Hidayatullah (Physics) with a GPA of 3.84.

After the university graduation procession at Grha Sabha Pramana, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a Faculty Graduation Thanksgiving with graduates and parents at the 7th floor auditorium of FMIPA. After the event, the graduates were paraded around FMIPA. The parade was initiated by classmates and younger siblings as a form of appreciation for graduates who have successfully earned a bachelor’s degree. The procession continued with ceremonial activities together with each HIMAPRODI. For the Physics study program, ‘Wis-Udahan’ was carried out by the Physics Student Association (HIMAFI) and ‘Geo-graduation’ was carried out by the Geophysics Student Association (HMGF).

Photos of graduation celebrations and processions from HIMAFI (Wis-Udahan) and HMGF (Geo-Graduation)

This graduation is part of the university’s efforts to support Sustainable Education (SDG point 4), by providing knowledge and skills to students to become agents of change in realizing a sustainable future. Congratulations to the graduates of Physics and Geophysics Department of Physics UGM Hopefully your success and achievements continue to shine in your career journey, useful for the nation, country, and your next life.

Keyword : Graduation, Bachelor, Graduate, Physics, Geophysics


Penulis : Ahmad Fathan

Editor : Chalis Setyadi

Foto : HMGF dan HIMAFI

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