The Department of Physics UGM Holds Media Team Coordination Meeting to Boost THE Impact Rankings Achievement

The THE Impact Rankings is an institution that evaluates the performance of universities in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the fields of education, research, and community engagement. In order to enhance understanding of the importance of promoting SDGs to improve UGM’s global reputation, the Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM held a kick-off meeting for the department’s media team on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in Meeting Room II Physics. This coordination meeting aims to align perceptions of SDGs context with the media content to be published.

“The coordination meeting was opened by Prof. Dr.Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng., as the Head of the UGM Physics Department. He conveyed that news coverage with a focus on SDGs would be better handled by the department team rather than burdening each study program. In line with this, Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, the Secretary of the UGM Physics Department, is optimistic that with good cooperation, the media team can meet the target number of SDGs-focused articles derived from the Performance Achievement Target (TCK) of FMIPA for the Physics Department. The agenda also featured Febriska Noor Fitriana, S.Ark., from FMIPA UGM Public Relations, who presented material on writing standards for both hard news and soft news.”

The Head of the Physics Department initiates the media team coordination meeting.

Febriska stated, “In writing news articles aligned with the SDGs, it’s essential to pay attention to the nut graph, which encompasses several key aspects: relevant SDGs points, evidence from activities, SDGs indicators, and conclusions”. During the discussion session, the FMIPA UGM Public Relations also emphasized the importance of the news timeline.

Material session and discussion with speakers and coordinator of the Department of Physics media team.

Dr. Chalis Setyadi, S.Si., M.Sc. as the coordinator of the Department of Physics media team explained the flow of article production in the Department of Physics media team, starting from creating worksheets for coordination and assigning responsibilities for each article, the writing process, classification, to submitting articles to the faculty.

This media team coordination activity also supports SDG point 4, Quality Education. Interesting coverage that implements the three pillars of higher education activities at the study program, department, and faculty levels has a high possibility of being highlighted further, thus providing benefits to the community and nation to achieve the goal of sustainable education development.

Author: Rafida Salma Rahmawati

Photos: Pamungkas Yuliantoro, Shofi Rahmadini

Editor: Dr. Chalis Setyadi, S.Si., M.Sc.

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