Visit by MAN 1 Surakarta to Department of Physics UGM: Increasing Students’ Interest in Science by Doing Basic Physics Experiments

On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, Department of Physics UGM received a visit from MAN 1 Surakarta, the activity took place at the Basic Physics Laboratory on the 1st floor of the Physics Department building. This visit aims to increase students’ interest in science and learn more about the basics of physical measurements in physics. The Department of Physics facilitates the Basic Physics Laboratory as a place for students to do experiments.

Photos of students and students taking measurements in several experiments

The number of visiting students was 72 students who were divided into 12 experimental groups. Each group was guided by a competent experimental assistant according to the topic of the experiment. Students were explained the background of the experiment topic and then invited to take measurements, present, analyze data and prepare the final report.

The visit of MAN 1 Surakarta, as well as involving students in the experiment, the Department of Physics, especially the Basic Physics Laboratory as a facilitator, also supports SDGs point 4 (Quality Education) and point 17 (Partnerships to Achieve Goals). This visit not only strengthened the relationship between the Department of Physics and the schools, but also became an opportunity for the Department of Physics to contribute directly to education at the secondary school level and community service.

Author : Ahmad Fathan

Photos : Ahmad Fathan

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