Community Service: Lab Material Physics and Instrumentation Goes To Madura

The community service activity is aimed at high school physics teachers who are part of the Physics Teacher Professional Association (MGMP) in Sampang Regency, as well as selected high school students chosen by schools in Sampang Regency. The activity involves visiting and conducting parallel presentations to both teachers and students. For physics teachers, the presented material includes additional insights on new paradigms in physics education based on the latest research findings that are currently highly developed.

The fundamental concepts of physics remain crucial to convey to students. Furthermore, these theories/concepts are supported by the developments in research, particularly those related to materials and material technology. Students are directly presented with the progress of new material research, advanced materials, and their applications that support various fields in life related to food, health, waste management (both liquid and hazardous metals), the use of biogenic materials for bone and tooth restoration and transplantation, and other areas. Equipment demonstrations and simulations that support learning are also included in the Research Results Demo Session. Some examples of demonstrations include: E-nose, Electronics seven-segment experiment set, Energy Gap measurement with portable UV-Vis, Water Rocket, and others.

The supporting activity in Sumenep included a meeting with the Alumni Family of Gadjah Mada University (KAGAMA) at the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Sumenep Regency. This activity served as a gathering for camaraderie and a platform for sharing experiences related to the professional world for UGM alumni working in various fields in Sumenep Regency. Discussions revolved around the alignment of the materials learned during their studies, experiences at the university, and the soft skills they possess with the challenges in the professional world. Suggestions were also conveyed to UGM, especially the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), urging them to provide opportunities for accessing UGM services to the fullest extent based on the learnings and experiences during their studies at UGM.

The video of the activity can be accessed through the following link:

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