Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat KBK Fisika Teoritik dan Komputasional dan KBK Fisika Terapan

One of the obligations for teaching staff is to carry out community service activities. Mastery of basic science, one of which is physics, is absolutely necessary to support technological development in Indonesia. Meanwhile, teachers are the spearhead of science teaching. Therefore, in 2023, community service activities were carried out in collaboration with MGMP Physics at the SMA / MA / SMK level in Brebes Regency. This activity aims to introduce the current development of physics, as well as discussions about problems related to physics education at the SMA / MA / SMK level.

The preparation stage for this activity was carried out in May-July 2023. In this preparatory stage, the material to be discussed and the time of implementation were discussed. This preparation activity needs to be done so that the material provided is in accordance with the needs of teachers in the Brebes District Physics MGMP and its implementation does not interfere with the duties of teachers and educators in the Theoretical and Computational Physics KBK and Applied Physics KBK.

The first session of service activities was held on October 6, 2023 at SMAN 2 Brebes, Brebes Regency, which was attended by 40 MGMP member teachers, lecturers in the Theoretical and Computational Physics KBK, lecturers in the Applied Physics KBK and Laboran in the Atomic and Core Physics Laboratory. The material provided in this activity is the socialization of the Physics Department's Physics study program, the Nature of Gravity, Engineering technology: Nano physics and its application examples, Renewable Energy: Solar Power Plant Center Model, Physics of Celestial Spheres, as well as demonstrations of practicum tools and simple props. The demonstration of practical tools included a demonstration of sound resonance equipment in the air and diffraction gratings. In this activity, there was also an introduction and application of IoT (Internet of Things) for sensors and control of electrical devices as a basis for learning IT and microcontrollers as well as practice.

The second session is planned to be held on November 4, 2023 at the Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM. In the second session, teachers in the Brebes Physics MGMP will be able to see firsthand the Solar Electricity Center model, as well as conduct experimental activities in the Atomic and Core Physics Laboratory and in the Basic Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, FMIPA UGM.

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