Mie University (MU) Japan together with Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). have held an online SAKURA exchange program (SEP) from 5 to 6 January 2022 with the theme: “Asian-materials-network for sustainable development to the next-generation technology in informatics communication and energy”. SEP is an annual program organized together with the Department of Physics–UGM, Department of Physics–ITB, and BRIN. It was the second time this program was being held online due to the pandemic situation.
The event was totally attended by 31 participants, The graduate students from MU (9), UGM (9), ITB (6), and also young researchers from BRIN (7). UGM delegated Widya Sari, Teguh Iman Perdana, Erna Juwita, Muhammad Riswan, Bambang Kristiawan, Dyah Ayu Larasati, Emi Kurnia Sari, Fia Amalia and Diah Ayu Suci Kinasih. During the 2 days of the program, several activities have been carried out well. On the first day the activity was the opening of the program and the introduction of an international program that aims to unite postgraduate students in the Asian region with a strong interest in the field of “material design by first principle calculations and informatics” and continued with an introduction of areas, culture and schools of MU. Entering the main activities, Prof. Kohji Nakamura from Mie University (Japan) briefly explained the preliminary first principles calculations, which was followed by the introduction of the Unix environment and remote exercise by Dr. Abdul Muizz Tri Pradipto from ITB and Dr. Kenji Nawa from MU who also guided the Workshop of band structure calculations to completion.
On the following day, the event began by continuing the Workshop of band structure calculations by Dr. Abdul Muizz Tri Pradipto from ITB and Dr. Kenji Nawa from MU. Before the event ended, Prof. Mourad Boutahir from Université Moulay Ismail, Morocco conveyed his ideas to all the participants about new materials for highly efficient and reliable organic/perovskite solar cells.
Despite being held online system, participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this program, not only watching the cultural presentation presented by a representative from each participant institution but also did the task given by Dr. Abdul Muizz Tri Pradipto as a presenter. It was the fourth time UGM joining SEP. UGM certainly welcomes involvement and supports the student to join the exchange program, “We are very pleased, this program can be held again even though it is held online. This is the second time the sakura program has been held online due to the pandemic situation, we hope that next year we can hold this program face to face at mie university” said Dr. Edi Suharyadi, M.Eng.
as a lecturer representative on closing program speech.