Laboratory of Materials Physics and Electronics Instrumentation
(Fismatel Laboratory at Department of Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
This Laboratorium was held for the development of the research in Condensed Matter both done in experimental and computational especially in magnetism and electronics both in soft and hard materials and also as functional materials and smart materials. This laboratory was also held for the development of the related instrument in the application of the materials as sensor for different purposes as well as the instrument to facilitate the testing of the materials. This Laboratory was also held to facilitate the research in materials for the undergraduates, the graduates, and postdocts.
Some research in synthesis of nanoelectronics and magnetics materials, as well as the ones based on liquid crystalline were established. To further developing the research, Laboratory maintains the cooperation and lingkage with other national Universities such as ITB and University of Indonesia, other Nasional Research Institute such as LIPI and BATAN, and Foreign Universities such as Kyushu University, Kanazawa University, Kyoto University (Japan) and University of Putra Malaysia.
The laboratory utilize the existing facilities in Universitas Gadjah Mada such as SEM, TEM, XRD, UV-Vis Spectrometer, FTIR Spectrometer and other equipments.
Some researches which have been supported by the Research Grants from The Indonesian Government are:
- Theoretical and Computational studies of new artificial-functional materials for energy saving spintronics
- Development of Electronics Tounge and Taste For Drugs and Food identification
- Development of Metal Organic Supercapacitor
- Development of Biosensor based on Giant Magnetic Resonance and Surface Plasmon Resonance
- Development of Nano fiber for Energy and Environmental Application.
- Dr. Edi Suharyadi (Spintronics, Nano magnetic materials, Giant Magnetic Resistance)
- Arifin Si, M.Si (Surface Plasmon resonance Instrumentation)
- Prof. Dr. Harsojo, M.Sc (Fibers for Functional Materials for Energi and Biomedic)
- Moh. Adhib Ulil Absor, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D (Theoretical and Computational Spintronics)
- Prof. Dr. Kuwat Triyana (Instrumentasi, Sensor dan Sistem Sensor)
- Dr. Chotimah M.Si (Fisika material)
- Dr. Akhmad Kusumaadmaja M.S (nanofiber, sensor dan sistem sensor)
- Prof. Dr. Yusril Yusuf (Biomaterial)
- Darwis S.Si, M.S (theoretical condensed matter)
Some co-researchers form different Universites and or Departments in Universitas Gadjah Mada have worked to gether in different topics research developed in Fismatel Laboratory such as
- Mineo Sato (University Kanazawa)
- Fumiyuli Ishi Univ. Kanazawa)
- Dr. Endang Soetarto (Faculty of Biology, UGM)
- Horoki Kotaka (Kyoto Univ.)
- Roto M.S (Dept. of Chemistry, UGM)
- Danang Lelono M.Si (Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation, UGM)
- Bambang Prihandoko (Battery Laboratory, LIPI)
Yearly, there are about 6 Ph.D candidates and 25 master students were enrolled and enganged in different research topics in materials and instrumentation.
Fasilitas Peralatan Laboratorium
- Peralatan Utama:
- Alat Fabrikasi Thin Film: Vacuum evaporator, Spin coater, dll
- Alat Karakterisasi: Nova-Blue (nano voltage ammeter analyzer), Ena-Blue (Electronic nose), Photoelastic stress, Pyranometer, Pyrometer, Perihelium, Surface Plasmon Resonance System
- Peralatan Pendukung: Micro Hardness Tester, Tools set (alat potong Fiber dll), Precision Position Controller, Chopper, Power Meter for Fibre, Gaussmeter, Storage Oscilloscope, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Electric Furnace (sampai 1200 C), Tube Electric Furnace (sampai 1200 C), Crystal Cutter, Precision Crystal Polisher , Crystal cutter, Microhardness, Polarizer microscope, Timbangan digital, Optical Fiber System, Solar Cell Sytem, dll
List alat-alat yang berada di Lab Fisika Material & Instrumentasi, DF – FMIPA, UGM : Alat Penelitian FISMATEL
Pelaksanaan kuliah dan praktikum
- Pengukuran Energy-gap Semi-konduktor, dengan mengukur resistivitas sebagai fungsi suhu.
- Pengukuran Energy-gap Semi-konduktor, dengan mengukur arus dioda sebagai fungsi suhu.
- Pengukuran suseptibilitas magnet dengan metoda Gouy
- Pengukuran tetapan Hall dan rapat pembawa muatan
- Pengukuran suhu Curie bahan ferromagnet
- Pengukuran titik lelah kawat tembaga (kabel)
- Pengukuran rugi dielektrik
Kelompok Penelitian
- Surface Physics dan Aplikasinya (Koordinator: Prof. Dr. Kamsul Abraha)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy (untuk biosensor)
- Giant Dielectric Constant Material (untuk energy storage)
- Material Organik Cerdas dan Aplikasinya (Koordinator: Dr. Kuwat Triyana)
- Divais Optoelektronika Organik (sel surya dan sensor)
- Sistem Olfaktori Elektronik dan Sistem Cerdas (untuk quality control produk di industri dan
- diagnosis penyakit dalam)
- Photodynamic Therapy berbasis Sensitizer Bahan Alam (untuk terapi kanker)
- Soft Smart Material dan Aplikasinya (Koordinator: Dr. Yusril Yusuf)
- Liquid Crystal Elastomer (untuk otot tiruan)
- Liquid Cryatal
- Superkonduktor (Koordinator: Dr. Harsoyo, S.U., M.Sc.)
- Superkonduktivitas bersuhu kritis tinggi
Informasi Laboratorium
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Alamat : Komplek FMIPA UGM Gedung Fisika Lantai 3, Sekip Utara Bls 21, Yogyakarta 55281