Crustal and The Uppermost Mantle Structure in Eastern Indonesia From Telese’ismic Receiver Function


In this study, we used receiver function technique to determine the shear wave velocity profile of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the eastern part of Indonesia region. We use six BMKG’s permanent stations in the Eastern Indonesia region that recorded about 70 teleseismic events. The receiver function inversion shows a significant variation of sediment thickness layer from about 2 to 4 km in the West Papua region. The crustal thickness variation is estimated at 17 km to 19 beneath Ternate Island and northern Sulawesi, whereas the crustal thickness beneath of the West Papua Region is at 24 km and 37 km. The lithosphere thickness estimate at 40 km to 48 km in Ternate Island and northern Sulawesi while the West Papua Region is around 60 km to 76 km. We found the evidence for a strikingly low-velocity layer starting at about 28 to 30 km depth beneath Ternate islands and northern Sulawesi that may relate to the partial melting zone beneath the active volcano in those areas.

Pengarang : Rozyan HarsoniDrajat Ngadmanto and Wiwit Suryanto
Tanggal terbit : Maret 2021
Jurnal : Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Penerbit : IOP Publishing

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