

Kerjasama Publikasi Campus Roadshow

PT Paragon Technology and Innovation adalah perusahaan manufaktur kosmetik yang memproduksi Wardah, Make Over, Emina, IX, dan Putri. Kami bermaksud untuk mengajukan permohonan ketjasama publikasi Campus Roadshow UGM yang akan dilaksanakan dengan rincian sebagai berikut: read more

Tawaran beasiswa MEXT

MEXT scholarship programs – GHR

The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology is pleased to announce its Program for the Master’s Degree and the Doctoral Degree in Natural Science and Technology with a special course in English and scholarship for overseas students with outstanding scholastic ability. Students who are accepted will be awarded a Japanese Government Scholarship through the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) read more